This has put America in a position of holding with baded breath in hoping that the High Flux Medical Isotope Reactor in Petten, Netherlands does not break down and cause a shortage of medical isotopes.

About eGeneration Foundation

Big things are happening in Ohio!
Ohio is leading the race to change the dynamic of America's nuclear industry and allow it to become an innovative engine for change.
Latest Events
ORNL Molten Salt Reactor Workshop
3 Oct 2018 -
August 7-9 Washington D.C. Meeting
7 Aug 2018 -
May 15-16 Washington D.C. Trip
15 May 2018
About Our Publications
We take every effort to ensure that the papers we produce are non-biased and based on science and sound reasoning. Many of our papers are geared towards general information and are made for general consumption by the public. As such, many of the in-depth scientific discussions are not present on our website. Our foundation is nuclear agnostic as it pertains to nuclear technologies. There are many viable technologies out there. While we feature Molten Salt Reactors only time and the markets will tell if this technology will ultimately be successful. We highlight MSR technology because of the great and compelling story that attracts many thinking people from all over the world. The realistic promise of MSR technology and what it can deliver is inspiring a whole generation of engineers and environmentalist to think differently about nuclear energy